
Showing posts from June, 2017

Life in KMNS

Hiiii guys.  No I do not miss matrix. (okay maybe I do) A little at least, so here's some bits & pieces of my matrix journey :D This is block b (boys block) My block! A2 for lyfe hehe Block A is the most convenient block as its the nearest block to the exit, library and DK1 &2 (the 2 biggest lecture halls in KMNS) A2 is also the nearest to cafe A so yeay! We first set foot here on the 7th (or 6th can't really rmb) of June 2016 and left on the 9th of May 2017. Not even a full year. (Luckily cos I already couldn't take the homesickness) I really appreciate that we had a week of orientation (which was not so fun) and a week of assimilation (kinda fun) before the actual classes began (not fun at all). You do not wanna know how long this took -_- And for those wondering how matrix life is, well to sum it all up I'd say it is pretty hectic, I won't deny. Especially if you're in science module 1 like how I wa