Life in KMNS

Hiiii guys. 
No I do not miss matrix. (okay maybe I do)
A little at least, so here's some bits & pieces of my matrix journey :D

This is block b (boys block)

My block! A2 for lyfe hehe
Block A is the most convenient block as its the nearest block to the exit, library and DK1 &2 (the 2 biggest lecture halls in KMNS)
A2 is also the nearest to cafe A so yeay!

We first set foot here on the 7th (or 6th can't really rmb) of June 2016
and left on the 9th of May 2017.
Not even a full year. (Luckily cos I already couldn't take the homesickness)

I really appreciate that we had a week of orientation (which was not so fun)
and a week of assimilation (kinda fun) before the actual classes began (not fun at all).
You do not wanna know how long this took -_-

And for those wondering how matrix life is,
well to sum it all up I'd say it is pretty hectic, I won't deny.
Especially if you're in science module 1 like how I was haha
Idk why, but I personally loved study weeks the most (apart from sem breaks ofc)
We have 2 sems, with the same subjects for both semesters.
You'll have optional subjects like Group Dynamics, Koku & Moral/Agama which you'll be taking either semester.
And English (for MUET-both semesters)
So I guess the only reason I liked study weeks is that we don't need to wake up at 7am for classes, no tutorials, no lectures, and we can study at our own pace.

This post is somewhat of an appreciation post I guess?
To everyone who made me feel at home in matrix.
Being away from home sucked less with all these joyful faces around :)

This was some sort of ice breaking activity hhahaha

Yakult Factory trip. 
This was the Genesis club trip, do join the various clubs in KMNS as they occasionally organize trips and activities. 
(We didn't really mind that the factory was only about an hour away-at least we escaped from prison for abit HAHA jk)

Okay I'm too tired to find anymore pictures already, so this will do.
And if you've just recently joined KMNS, don't hesitate to ask for help.
I know how awkward and hard to adjust it is, but trust me, by sem 2, it'll feel slightly like home. 

UPDATE: Its been a whole year plus since I left matrix and OMG I miss it like hell
If you are currently in matirx or going to enroll soon, PLEASE PLEASE enjoy it with your friends as much as possible (don't be like me and balik bermalam every weekend, its really not worth it) 
If anyone were to ask me what my biggest life regrets were, I would say it has to be not making he most out of matrix. 


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